

Sunday, November 1, 2009

ashutosh bhai ki kalam se

SADNESS why it comes...................aah
We know we are not alone
The nature ,the supernatural
Are always with us
Even then why it comes.....................
We always expect from others
And never look inside
Where all of our answers are
We were not yesterday
We will not be tomorrow
We know the eternal truth
World is a divine sport and we are mere it's characters
Even then why it comes.......................
We are the user of this body
We know this well
We are the light but why so much darkness inside
We should recognize the earthly illusions
World is going to change
We know tomorrow will be a new one
Even then why it comes.......................
We say we are the masters of ourselves
But always try to enslave others
Let us change ourselves instead of others
Let us be the master of ourselves
Let us do a new beginning
And try to become what we are
And never expect from others
So it may never come again , So it may never come again